Sunday, July 30, 2006

American Eskimo needs Rescue

This girl is a beautiful American Eskimo.

EX URGENT “Ariel” F American Eskimo, white, 5 yrs, 22 lbs Picked up as a stray in our county, little Ariel was heartworm tested today,and the vet feels she is most likely already spayed. She is sweet with other dogs, very good natured with people, and will be a real doll once she has been groomed!

Here is a link to the Shelter that Ariel is in.
Animal Shelter

If I thought that 3 dogs would work I would adopt this sweetie, I learned that 2 dogs is the maximum that we can handle.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Wally the flirt

Wally aroos over his "kingdom."

Bean poses in front of some pretty flowers.

Ds is 17 today. He has a bunch of friends over. Wally loves hanging out with ds and his friends. I brought in some drinks and Wally was sitting on the lap of my son's girlfriend. Wally was having a great time going from girl to girl getting pets.

I needed to drop my son off with his running group yesterday. Instead of crating Wally I decided to let him loose with Bean (the total time would be about 10 minutes). I was surprised that both boys greeted me at the door with no barking. The house was exactly as I had left it. I think that Wally must have looked out the window the whole time that I was gone. Bean can be trusted with the run of the house.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dog Beach

Wally plays fetch with dh.

Wally tells his daddy to hurry up and throw the stick.

Wally says "Hi" to his foster Mom.

Wally and Daddy had a great time at the dog beach today. I think that they wore each other out playing fetch. Bean was content to look at the different shells and rocks that we're on the beach.

Wally got to say "Hi" to his foster mom, the lady who took such wonderful care of him before he came home to us.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Baby Heron

Yesterday I saw a baby heron while walking the boys. Today dh and I saw some baby turtles and some ducks that are almost fully grown.

On Friday the there was a deer standing in the middle of the path that leads away from the lake towards the pond. I was surprised how long the deer stood still. The boys pulled me so hard in their excitement that I was afraid of tripping and being dragged on my stomach.

I cleaned Bean's ears tonight. I have to clean Bean's ears on a regular basis because he gets so much gunk in them. I find it curious that Wally hardly gets any discharge, he rarely has any gunk in his ears.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To Distracted

I like this picture of Wally.

I was commenting to dh that I need some more cute pictures of the boys. Dh has been distracted by poison ivy and the itching. Luckily my p.ivy is almost healed.

I feel bad for the boys because I can't let them sniff in their favorite spots due to the p.ivy.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


For some reason Wally thinks that it's hilarious to goose me in the morning as I come down the stairs. You can see the amusement on his face. What's even funnier (but not to our son) is that Wally kept goosing his female friend. For some reason Wally just gooses females. Dh was walking Wally last week and Wally goosed a woman walking around the lake. Dh was mortified. Luckily the woman thought that it was funny.

I realized that I had talked a lot about getting Wally a new harness than never said what he bought him. I got Wally a K9 harness (1st one on the list) with brass rings. I will be really shocked if Wally manages to break out of this harness.

Poor Bean got a little overheated today. The humidity was about 90%.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Vet Advice Poison Ivy

I called the vet today to ask what I can use to wash my dogs after their walks. I have had Poison Ivy for over a month and know that I am getting the P.Ivy oil from the dogs. I don't want to shampoo them after every walk for fear of drying out their skin.

The vet recommended baby shampoo for humans, moisturizing dog shampoo or baby wipes. Apparently baby wipes should be gentle enough to wipe the dogs down with. I am going to try this route first. I feel so badly for the boys having to avoid the lake and their favorite sniffing spots.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Wally and Bean Explore, I can see the Posion Ivy that the boys are wading through. (this pictuer was taken a few weeks back).

The dogs are dissapointed that I'm not walking them around the lake because of all the Poison Ivy. I am now taking steriods, my P.Ivy kept getting worse instead of better.

Wally demanded lots of belly rubs last night. After getting in bed I was trying to read a book, Wally was having none of that. He wanted his full course of belly rubs.

Dh and I had a good chuckle tonight. We we're talking about the dogs and dh said that I treat the boys like kings. He pointed out that Bean was on the sofa with me on the floor petting him. I told him, look who's talking. Yep, Wally was on the love seat with dh on the floor petting him. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 07, 2006

Poison Ivy

Bean relaxes during a walk.

Wally poses for the camera. The sky almost looks painted like a photo studio.

I have an out break of Poison ivy that is driving me insane. I realize that I have caught it from the dogs. There is an abundance of P.Ivy growing within inches of the trails around here. Wally and Bean have favorite sniffing spots, one being where the groundhog lives. A few weeks ago the boys saw the groundhog and Bean dove right into the underbrush after him.

I washed myself off when I got home and wiped the dogs down. I realize now that both boys should have had full shampoos. Dh shampooed the boys tonight. I realize too that the sofa coverings need to be washed.

The boys weren’t happy with me today because we walked along the sidewalks on the main roads not going down to the lake. I’m trying to keep the boys away from P.Ivy.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wally's Parrot

Wally's parrot.

This evening I gave Wally a new talking Parrot toy. Wally is carrying it every where. He is guarding the parrot like it's his first born child. Even Bean knows to stay away, Wally growls if anyone tries to touch his parrot.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th

The dogs did not like the sound of the fireworks. With all of the windows shut we could still hear the sounds from the main show at the lakefront near the mall. Bean stuck to my side like glue.

Dh and I waited until the finale was over to take the boys out for their bed time walk. Just as we got the boys outside our neighbors set off a bunch of fireworks which spooked the boys.

Wally has come a long ways foodwise. He will sit while I put a cup of food in his bowl. He will than lift his head and pause eating so that I can pour in his second cup. He also lets me pet him while he is eating. When he first came home he would growl if he thought that you we're getting to close to his bowl while eating.