Wally and Bean Explore, I can see the Posion Ivy that the boys are wading through. (this pictuer was taken a few weeks back).
The dogs are dissapointed that I'm not walking them around the lake because of all the Poison Ivy. I am now taking steriods, my P.Ivy kept getting worse instead of better.
Wally demanded lots of belly rubs last night. After getting in bed I was trying to read a book, Wally was having none of that. He wanted his full course of belly rubs.
Dh and I had a good chuckle tonight. We we're talking about the dogs and dh said that I treat the boys like kings. He pointed out that Bean was on the sofa with me on the floor petting him. I told him, look who's talking. Yep, Wally was on the love seat with dh on the floor petting him.

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