Poison Ivy

Bean relaxes during a walk.

Wally poses for the camera. The sky almost looks painted like a photo studio.
I have an out break of Poison ivy that is driving me insane. I realize that I have caught it from the dogs. There is an abundance of P.Ivy growing within inches of the trails around here. Wally and Bean have favorite sniffing spots, one being where the groundhog lives. A few weeks ago the boys saw the groundhog and Bean dove right into the underbrush after him.
I washed myself off when I got home and wiped the dogs down. I realize now that both boys should have had full shampoos. Dh shampooed the boys tonight. I realize too that the sofa coverings need to be washed.
The boys weren’t happy with me today because we walked along the sidewalks on the main roads not going down to the lake. I’m trying to keep the boys away from P.Ivy.
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