Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
One Year Anniversary
Bean still asserts his dominance but has accepted Wally as a member of the family. Bean is also a Jan. home coming. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not sure of the exact date. I have it filed away some where and will look it up so that I can celebrate Bean's exact home coming date too. For this year we are celebrating the boys on the same day.
I don't know what I would do without my boys. Both boys are compassionate with lots of love to give.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Cozy dogs
We've had Wally for almost 1 year. His anniversary is Jan. 24th. Bean has been with us for 2 years, his anniversary is the beginning of Jan.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Wally watches the Ham

Wally supervises his daddy carving the Christmas ham.

Wally decides that I make a nice bed.

Bean investigates a scent.
Yesterday evening dh and I attended a banquet for his running club. Our son was at a friends house. He told us that when he returned that there was food all over the kitchen floor. I had put some food in the microwave earlier in the day and had forgotten about it. Wally had opened the microwave and helped himself to my food. I should have know better because Wally knows how to open the microwave (he had figured out how within days of moving in with us).
I feel like I have two little children that I need to toddler proof against. Bean knows how to open the cupboard where the treats are stored. Bean is also smart enough to push a chair to where he needs it, than climb onto the chair. I also have to lock my oven because Wally knows how to operate this too. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the boys can open the refrigerator.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Shoe Laces
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Stubborn doggies
Tonight it was raining hard for the bedtime walk. The boys knew that it was raining outside and didn't want to go out. Dh called for them and both boys wouldn't get up from their sofas. Dh finally came up with the leashes. Wally tried to run away and hide and Bean tried to keep his stomach glued to the couch so that dh couldn't put his harness on.
I love that these boys have personalities. I think that hounds are some of the most expressive breed of dogs.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Wally's first New Years Party

Wally has very expresive eyes.
Wally was a very good boy for his first New Years eve party. I was wondering how he would react to having a large number of people in his home. He circulated getting many pets, most of the guest are dog lovers.
I was surprised that we had to watch Bean around the food table and not Wally. Last year Bean had an injured hip from being hit by a car so standing on his back legs with his paws on the table was not an issue. Wally left the food table alone. When Wally first came home there is no way that he could have been off leash around a food table. Wally has come a long way with his food aggression. At first he would growl if you came anywhere near him while eating. Now he will let you pet him while he eats.