Couch Puppies

Bean and Wally tree a squirrel.

Wally relaxes on his sofa.

Bean gets pets.

Bean relaxes on his sofa.
It seems like the grumpy people have decided that it's the season to walk around the lake. Now that the weather is nicer the more the lake is crowded with people starting up their exercise programs. I think that exercise is great, I also think that there is a certain amount of give and take that people need to practice.
Wally walked right up to a stroller and let the toddler pat his nose and head. The kid even put his hands around Wally's snout. The parents thought that it was great that Wally was making their kid laugh. Wally stayed very still the whole time and wagged his tale. Bean was busy getting attention from the mom.
Wally howled for the 1st time last night since he has lived with us. I was taking their boys for their early evening walk and they spotted a squirrel.
Tonight I caught Bean standing on a chair with his paws on the kitchen table. This is the first time that I've caught him in the act. I wouldn't be surprised if Bean does this when noone is home.