Wally Lectures Us

Wally rest his head on Daddy's leg.

Wally's favorite position. He is happiest when he is on Daddy. I found this picture while looking through some old files, there is a very similar picture that I posted last April.
Tonight was our son's 1st cross country race of the season. Dh picked me up and we we're gone from around 3pm until 7pm. Wally was very displeased and lectured us for about 10 minutes. He arooos/barks in an indignant way. He wouldn't let his Daddy pet him until after dinner. Bean gets mad when we leave but is happy when we return. Bean will hold a grudge if we go out a second time.
We had a major breakthrough and I can't believe that I forgot to mention it. Last weekend dh dissasembled Wally's crate. We had been leaving Wally out with Bean when we go out. We started off with short times, than took some longer errands. Each time returned the house would be exactly as we left it. I believe Wally wants to prove to us that he doesn't need to be crated. During the summer Wally has proven that he can be trusted in the house. I was a little afraid that the boys might wrestle but there has been no indication that that has happened. Wally is turning into a well behaved dog.
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