Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Bean makes sure that we unpacked all of the groceries.

Bean enjoys his walk.

Bean knows he is going to get a treat.

Bean doesn't want to go home.

Wally checks out a squirrel.

Wally gives Daddy a big smile.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Another Treeing Walker

Last week dh and I went to a local produce store after taking the boys for a walk. It was to hot for the boys to stay in the car so the boys and I got out and sat boys under a nice big tree while dh went onto the store. I saw a couple drive by and do a double take. They pulled up and we're pointing excitedly at Wally. They got out of their car and the woman asked me if he is a Treeing Walker Coonhound. When I said yes the couple asked if they could meet the boys. They also have a Treeing Walker that is a rescue from the same area Wally was found. Unfortunately they didn't have their dog with them but I did get to see a picture. The couple told me that this is the first time that they have seen another Treeing Walker in our area. Likewise for me. Wally and Bean we're real sweeties meeting this couple.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tattle Tale

I was upstairs folding laundry, the boys we're downstairs. Wally started to bark. I looked at the front door but neither of the boys was at the door so I found it weird that Wally was barking so insistently. I went into the living room and there was Bean chewing away an exercise dvd and pilates bands. Thanks to Wally Bean only got away with chewing the corner of the dvd case and not the dvd. He also chewed the bag that the pilates bands we're stored in.