Baby Geese

Bean overseeing his kingdom.

Wally enjoying the shade.

A family of geese.
The weather was gorgeous today. Cool, no humidity and sunny. We saw two geese families.
Wally managed to get pancake batter dumped on his head. He was “helping” me load the dishwasher. He managed to get his head inside the dishwasher as I had the pancake batter bowl that I was loading. There was a few ounces left in the bowl, just enough to cover Wally’s head.
Wally is not shy about letting me know that he wants belly rubs or petting. He’ll take his paw, raise it up and let it fall full weight on my shoulder. J Last night as I was getting into bed Wally was sprawled all across my space. He promptly let me know that it was belly rub time. Whenever I stopped he would poke me with his paw. When he thought that I had sufficiently paid my dues he rolled over and gave me space to get into bed. I love this big guy.
Bean loves to get attention from passersby on our walks. He seems to especially like elderly women.
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