Wally missed Daddy

I love the expression on Wally's face.
Dh went on a business trip to Orlando, Fla. this week. Wally was very upset that his person was gone. Every day he would sit vigil at the stairs facing the door from 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm waiting for dh to come home from work. When dh didn't show poor Wally would whine and cry. Dh returned today. Both Bean and Wally we're very excited when we returned from the airport (they we're both very upset when I left for the airport to pick up dh).
One of the boys ate about a quarter bar of ivory soap. I think that it was Wally by the size of the teeth marks. So far neither dog is getting sick, hopefully the soap will have no ill effects. Bean ate part of a leaf off my elephant ear plant earlier this week. I immediatly called the vet. The vet told me to call Poison Control since the vet was unfamiliar with this type of plant. Also, if Bean becomes lethargic or very ill to bring him in right away. Poison control told me that elephant ear plant plant is non toxic to humans. I told him that it was my dog, he thought that I was calling about a child. He said that generally if a plant is non toxic to people that it should also be non toxic to dogs. The worst that it will do is make you throwup. Sure enough, Bean threw up. The vet called me a few hours later to check up on Bean. I'm impressed that she called back, my old vet wouldn't have bothered.
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