Wally monster

Wally sniffs over Bean.

The boys chase a squirrel up a tree

Wally is determined to get the squirrel
Yesterday was one of those days.
My son and I attended a high school graduation yesterday (Wed). The parking lot is far away from the pavilion. Part of the path is gravel and the path twist and winds, there are also a few hills. On the way in the strap of one of my shoes broke. I had to shuffle in, I never realized that it would be so difficult to shuffle with heals but then again there was nothing to hold the shoe onto my foot. After the ceremony I had my friends cover for me. I took off my stockings and walked out barefoot. I threw the shoes into the nearest trash can.
After the graduation we went to my son's friend's graduation party. I decided that it would be best to go straight to the party and not stop off home. The dogs would be very unhappy to be let out for a few minutes and than have us leave. Bean can have the run of the house; Wally is so goofy that he needs to be crated for his own safety. I had to chase Wally this morning to get him into his crate.

We didn't stay at the party very long because I was worried about Bean. If you're squeamish stop reading here.
Bean has had very runny stools for the last two days. I debated about going to the graduation today but Bean managed to make it through the night okay. When my son and I got home we discovered that poor Bean had a lot of accidents down the hallway and in the living room. I felt so guilty because I wasn't home to let him out. I let Wally out of his crate, he ran up the stairs and wouldn't you know...he also let loose. I guess Wally must have caught whatever bug that Bean had. I start cleaning everything and Bean starts again. I picked him up and ran outside with him. My son was getting Wally ready to take him for a walk. When I opened the door to bring Bean back in Wally took off running at full speed.
Wally led me on a big chase, through a few neighborhoods and than down to the lake. I was trying to catch Wally when some lady shouted at me, "Hey, that dog isn't supposed to be running loose ..." in a nasty voice. I shouted back at the top of my lungs, "I know that, I'm trying to catch him." She kind of shrank back from me and knew not to say anything else.
My son called dh to let him know that Wally was loose. Dh left work to help me look for Wally. Dh would be very devastated if something happened to Wally, Wally is clearly dh's dog. We would all be upset but Wally has definitely adopted dh as his person.
I went down to the lake while dh was driving home. I saw Wally in the middle of the lake where it's really deep swimming with the ducks. He thought that it was a big game; he would come close to shore than swim out again. Another dog walker (dw) saw what has happening and helped me catch Wally. DW used his dog to help lure Wally out of the water.
I brought Wally back to the house, dh had just returned home.
Dh got to shampoo all of the carpets.
Wally is lucky that he is so lovable and cute.
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