Cold Day

Oscar and Bean at the lake 1/15/06
Dh laughed at me when I bought a coat for Bean. His opinion was, he’s a Beagle-he won’t feel the cold. It was 27 f this morning when dh took the dogs down to the lake. He was looking for thin fragile ice that forms on top of water to photograph. He was out for about a half hour and noticed that Bean was shivering. He realized that he better bring him home. Bean made a bee line for the door and ran the whole way back. Dh felt bad when he noticed that Bean was shivering. He realizes now that if the temperature gets in the low 30’s or below that he will need to put on Bean’s coat. Oscar on the other hand loves the cold weather. One time it had stormed and Oscar pulled my dh around like a little sled dog through the snow drifts.
We we’re going to take the dogs to Assateague today. I don’t enjoy walking along the beach when there is a cold wind blowing. I do enjoy collecting sea shells. Last month I found a really neat spiral shell walking the beach in
Dh has decided to reshelve all of our books. He has some weird idea how he wants to organize them. I had my books by author, he wants to put them by genre. It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I can find what I am looking for. I do need to go through my books and get rid of the ones that I no longer need or have lost interest in.
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