The best Dogs

Bean smells a squirrel or a rabbit.

Wally gives a big smile to show how much he is enjoying his walk.
A few days ago I was ill and feeling dizzy. Wally came beside me and steadied me as I walked to the sofa. He jumped up and sat beside me to help prop me up. Bean didn't protest to Wally being on his sofa to help me. Bean laid down on the other side of Wally. Normally Bean would give Wally a huge correction for trying to lay next to me on Beanie's couch. I was feeling cold and didn't have the energy to get up and get a blanket. I laid down and Wally promptly laid his body down my length to keep me warm. Bean put his head on my feet to keep them warm.
Normally the dogs want to walk at least 2 miles for their noontime walk. Because I was feeling ill they both ran out front, did their thing and made a beeline for the door. I have the most compassionate dogs. :)
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