Daddy and Wally

Wally and Daddy

Wally and Daddy2
Wally is definitely a Daddy's boy. He snuggled with Daddy most of the afternoon. It was raining really hard so the boys didn’t get to go on their usual long walk. Bean is a momma’s boy and Oscar is attached to our son.
Wally and Bean romped around, they played tag and wrestled. I’m glad that the boys are finally getting along. Oscar will bark while the other two are playing. We need to work with Oscar to curb his barking.
Dh and I went out to dinner tonight. Our son was home with the dogs. He said that Wally managed to turn on my oven (it’s a touch pad). After that he caught Wally licking the inside of the microwave after managing to open it. He also knocked down some cups. Apparently he was a very busy little boy while we we’re out.
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